May 1, 2020

Notes by Julie Furlong
Recently a friend said to me that “most of us believe a situation (or a relationship) is the best it can ever be, until, some of us are forced out of the situation. We resist and become reluctant about the new way at first, but after time passes, most of us enjoy an even better life direction with better opportunities and relationships we could have never, ever had imagined…”
Even though you may be an optimist, before you can commence enjoying a better life direction, you normally hit your lowest point first. I have discovered the long, hard way that when this happens the only thing you have to fall back on is you. You, will save you. And this is the time when you really need to do the work properly and dig deep.
I don’t think I would be alone to say a situation like COVID-19 has now changed the way I think about many things (Read: Covid 19 a time for humanity unity and kindness). Prior to COVID-19, I was going through a transformation regardless and most certainly for me, my situation had changed a great deal over the past months. My improved habits; new relationships and refreshing routine had shaped the new and better me. Like most, I commenced the year hopeful, with the guided phrase I had set in January for 2020 being, ‘open and release’… keeping an open mind to everything, and continuing to trust and believe in people, even though I had been disappointed and betrayed in the past.
The season of COVID-19 has taught me a great deal, I’ve learnt to have more of an open mind to everything and attach myself to nothing. I’ve learnt to believe in the power of manifestation. Understanding and practicing it. And now… 8 months on, I’m enjoying the results of this timely work I have done. Unconsciously and consciously, we all have the power and strength to create belief, but it’s up to you to do the deeper work. For me, COVID-19 and the conscious act of practicing manifestation cemented these thoughts and helped me let go of the old nonsense in the past
During these times it’s also often about the relationship you are having with yourself that will save you (Read: How to master the art of being kind to yourself). Not the relationship you are having with someone else. Other people can never, ever make you truly happy. If you do not practice being an independent happy person within, happiness will be hard to achieve. Pleasure – maybe… but not happiness. You cannot be looking for someone else to make you whole or happy, you need to find that wholeness within. You need to truly believe you can be alone and you are good, no matter what, with or without someone. When you know and believe you can be alone, that’s when you can be in a healthy relationship and that’s when the magic happens.
I have taken the time to list and focus on the positives of this challenging situation. For me the season of COVID-19 has given me the opportunity to reflect upon myself and to improve. There is always an upside in every situation and if you like, you get the chance to turn things around and enjoy a better life direction. You simply have to look for the opportunities and work for it.
- We make challenges a lot harder to overcome when we react emotionally.
- We create issues when we overthink, and those issues will become bigger if we allow them to.
(Read: 10 Great ways to stop worrying). - Our reactions to a situation, is most often-emotional baggage and memories from the past.
- The best thing you can do in any situation is wait, think, absorb, be kind and listen.
During a time like this, the only way to move forward is to get on with it (Read: 9 Simple tips that lead to positive thinking) At a time like this, you focus on what you CAN control. You focus and manifest the abundance of opportunity that lies ahead. You become more open minded than ever. You continue to trust, to give and to show compassion. And, when you put the energy into that, you will get what you deserve. Most importantly, remain open, because eventually calm, humble and refreshing people will come into your life that will lift you up, and help you become an even better person.
When I thought I had achieved everything, especially in business and relationships, I too was forced out of that situation. It was only then I realised I still have so much to do and learn. I still have many exciting opportunities upon me, and have opened up to so many new, good people who have come into my life. This is the best time to take some committed, positive action. Dig into the problem and focus on the things that can be solved and made better. Show that you care, and show how you can you turn the negative into the positive. How can you go above and beyond?
Whether it is because of a disaster like COVID-19 (impacting all of us) or because of a personal traumatic experience, you will always learn from it. You just need to be honest with yourself and believe that everything will be ok. At the end of the day, you need to raise your kids right and set an example, even though those who were close to them may have walked away. Teach them to invest and love themselves and most of all, look after themselves.
The answer is always hidden in the problem. You will solve the problems and then it becomes an opportunity to learn from them. Your natural reaction will always be to resist, but eventually you will realise you have no choice. The only way through it… is through it, and you will then find out how strong you actually are – especially when being strong is your only option. If you too do the work, eventually you will come full circle and I guarantee it will have its returns.